Benefit will be paid to the households that have low income


ページ番号 1032119  更新日  令和6年4月3日

Benefit will be paid to the households that have low income

(Household: a family living together in the same house.)


Benefit will be paid to the households with low income that have children of up to 18-years old. A postcard will be sent after Tuesday, March 5.


The amount paid: 80,000 yen per one child


Households that can receive the benefit: 

Families with a child or children aged 0-18 that meet any of the below conditions. All members of the family must have a resident registration in Kokubunji City as of December 1, 2023.

  1. All members of the household are exempt from inhabitant tax.
  2. All members of the household are levied on only the “per capita portion” of inhabitant tax. (All members are exempt from the “income-based portion” of inhabitant tax.)
  3. The household consisting of people who are levied on only the “per capita” portion of inhabitant tax, and people who are exempt from all inhabitant tax. (They are all exempt from the “income-based portion” of inhabitant tax.)

* The “per capita portion” of inhabitant tax in Kokubunji City is 5,000 yen.

* The amount of “per capita portion” and the “income-based portion” are shown in the “Notice of Tax Determination/Payment” sent around June, 2023.

* Even though the households are levied on only the “per capita portion” of inhabitant tax, there might be a case that the benefit will not be paid. For more details, please contact the Call Center.

How to receive the benefit:
 Application is not necessary to receive the benefit.
 The postcard has the following:

  • The amount of benefit you will receive
  • Your bank account the benefit will be sent to
  • The date the benefit will be sent

Call Center for Temporary Special Benefit in Kokubunji City 042-325-0263
(Only in Japanese language).

Service Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 17:00

For further information, please visit the web site of Kokubunji City (in Japanese)

English (Machine translation)


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-573-4378 ファクス番号:042-573-4388